Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Vaccinations : Making Intelligent Choices for Your Child

Do the standard childhood vaccinations against disease such as polio, tetanus, and whooping cough increase your child’s risk for autism or ADHD? There has been a great deal of controversy reported in the mainstream press as well as medical and academic publications about the safety of various  vaccines , as well as their impact on the developing brain.
I want to be clear that I beleive most of the childhood immunizations are essential. Compared with the risks to your child’s health of the actual illnesses the immunizations are designed to prevent, immunization creates a considerable challenge for the immune and nervous systems are undergoing rapid development. I also feel that there is a better, safer way to immunize children than the way it is commonly done today.
Infants are born with temporary immunity to certain diseases because their mother’s antibodies are transferred to them through the placenta. A breast-fed gets the continued benefits of additional antibodies from his mothers breast milk, which provides additional immunity.
But there are many diseases for which even breast-fed infants and children need to be immunized. Immunization entails using small amounts of a killed or weakened microorganism that otherwise could cause a particular disease. The microorganism might be a virus, such as the measles virus, or bacteria, such as pneumococcus. These microorganism stimulate the immune system to react as if there were real infectio. The immune system then fights off the “infection” and remembers the organism (in the form of  antibodies), creating what it needs to fight it off quickly if it enters the body  in the future.
The two critical issues surrounding childhood immunization are :
1.       The Problems created for children d their immune systems by combining vaccines.
2.       The debate surrounding mercury in vaccines and wheter or not it contributes to the increasing incidence of autism in children.

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