Minggu, 08 Januari 2012


From the moment they are conceived and for the rest of their lives, children are exposed to innumerable toxins that are potentially harmful to their brains, including lead, pesticides, plastic, solvents, and other industrial subtances. And even things that you may think perfectly safe for your baby, from his teething ring to the cuddly toys you put in his crib to the pajamas he wears every night, could pose a potential threat to your child’s brain.

Childrens’ developing brains, along with their immature reproductive and immune systems, are unable to adequately detoxify the scores of chemicals to which they are exposed. Because of children’s smaller size and lower body weight, chemicals have the potential to pack a one two knockout punch to their nervous systems. Pound for pound of body weight, children consume more food, breathe more air, and drink more fluids than adults. Because children’s metabolism are faster than adult’s, they also absorb toxins faster.For example, children absorb approximately half of the lead they swallow, while adults absorb only the most critical stages of brain growth, resulting in lowered IQ levels, behavioral problems, and learning disabilities that can last a lifetime.

If you think that goverment regulatory agencies are going to keep your child safe from toxic overload, think again. Even when the government attempts to regulate toxin, these regulations are based in search typically gauges the effects of the toxin on the physiology a 155-pound adult male, which bears little resemblance to that if children with young are still rapidly developing.

In all fairness, U.S. government agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), have taken steps to lower our exposure to many toxin to more acceptable levels. But many critics-including me-feel strongly that the legal levels are still far to high, especially for children. What’s even more alarming is the fact that government agencies regulating levels of toxic substance estimate the exposure for one an average-size young male. But children are exposed to multiple toxins in varying mixtures throughout their development and have immature detoxification systems that are easily overload.

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